


If you’re a venue owner like me, then you have probably noticed that there are hardly any resources designed specifically to help or connect our community. If you are lucky enough to find something, it’s most likely not created by someone who actually owns a venue themselves.

I’ve also found that venue owners don’t seem to connect very much with each other. I know, however, that this isn’t for lack of desire! I’ve spoken with many owners around the country who really do crave a network of like-minded peers who are facing the same challenges and questions that they have. They are seeking an outlet to find their tribe and form a community of shared experiences.

I want to find a way to talk, listen, share, and find a way to thrive together. That’s the reason for starting the Aisle Files, and I hope you will join me!

In the spirit of connecting with others, hop over to our Facebook community where you can join the conversation, ask questions, and connect with people who really get what it’s like to be a wedding venue owner.

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